Indianapolis DUI Lawyers

Former Deputy Prosecutors Fighting for You

Protecting Your Rights and Your License


Former Deputy Prosecutor Julie Chambers is the Indianapolis DUI lawyers you need on your side when your freedom and license are on the line. If you have been charged with a DUI, you could be facing jail time, probation, fines and a suspended driver’s license. You need an attorney by your side who will aggressively defend you and fight to protect your rights. The lawyers at Chambers Law Office will be there with you every step of the way.


Why Hire Our DUI Lawyers?


[su_row][su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]Indiana DUI LaawyerJulie Chambers is a former Marion County Deputy Prosecutor, having prosecuted misdemeanors, felonies and traffic violations in that role. She now represents clients charged with DUI offenses throughout central Indiana. Using her experience as a trial attorney and former deputy prosecutor to defend DUI cases, she works to help her clients minimize the time their license may be suspended, assists in finding treatment if necessary, and protect their rights as they proceed through their case. An OVWI charge can be devastating, leading to the loss of driving privileges, jail time, or probation, and you need an experienced attorney on your side. [/su_column] [su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]

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DUI Charges and Possible Penalties

When facing DUI charges, it is important to consider all of your options and all of the possible consequences a DUI conviction can bring. In addition to any criminal penalties for a DUI conviction, you may also be facing a lengthy license suspension or expensive fees. And depending on your driving history, a conviction for a DUI may also lead to you being labeled a Habitual Traffic Violator, which can carry an additional license suspension of five or more years.


Every DUI case is different and factors such as whether you completed any field sobriety tests (SFSTs), took a breath test or a blood test ,or refused a chemical test can change the course of an investigation and prosecution. All of these factors can also dramatically change the course of your defense strategy. It is important to speak with a DUI lawyer early on in the process to avoid missing any critical issues and/or defenses that may be raised.


You will also want to discuss whether you qualify for specialized driving privileges with your attorney. When you are charged with a DUI, if you are over the .08 limit the court will suspend your license for up to 180 days. In some cases, you can get a hardship license during that time. Additionally, if you are convicted of a DUI, you license can be suspended but a hardship license may be an alternative to a suspension. Our lawyers are experienced in dealing with all types of driver’s license suspension issues and can explain all of your options to limit or avoid the license suspension.


Find more information about Indiana DUI charges at the links below!


[su_column size=”1/2″ center=”no” class=””]

DUI Pretrial Issues

Felony DUI

DUI Breath Tests

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DUI Field Sobriety Tests

DUI License Suspensions

DUI Implied Consent Laws


Indianapolis DUI Lawyers Here for You!

Our DUI lawyers have the knowledge and experience to handle your DUI case, whether that means negotiating a plea or going to trial. You need a lawyer who understands how prosecutors and the criminal justice system work and aren’t afraid to go to trial. Attorneys Julie Chambers and Katie Kawiecki can provide the professional advice you need while providing the best defense possible.


Facing DUI charges can be frightening, and the attorneys at Chambers Law Office will be there to help relieve some of that fear, while working diligently to defend your case. Chambers Law Office represents clients throughout central Indiana, including Marion County (Indianapolis), Hamilton, Hancock, Johnson, Madison, Hendricks and Boone Counties. Call us today at 317-450-2971!