Carrying a Handgun Without a License

Carrying a Handgun Without a License in Indiana


The laws concerning carrying a handgun without a license in Indiana can be found in Indiana Code 35-47-2. In short, aside from certain exceptions, “a person shall not carry a handgun in any vehicle or on or about the person’s body without being licensed under this chapter to carry a handgun.” If charged with Carrying a Handgun Without License, the offense is typically a Class A Misdemeanor, except in certain circumstances where the charge can be enhanced to a felony.


Exceptions to this rule include carrying a handgun on one’s own property, carrying the handgun for purposes of attending firearms training or a firearms related event, such as a gun show or hunting club, or receiving firearms repair or maintenance. Additionally, a person may carry a handgun without a license in a vehicle that is owned or legally controlled by the person or another’s vehicle, with permission, if the handgun is: (A) unloaded; (B) not readily accessible; and (C) secured in a case. Finally, a person may possess a handgun without a license if the person carries the handgun: (A) at a shooting range (as defined in IC 14-22-31.5-3); (B) while attending a firearms instructional course; or (C) while engaged in a legal hunting activity.


As you can see, there are many exceptions to the rule that a person must have a license to carry a handgun and if you have been charged with this offense, it is important to consult an attorney right away to discuss your possible defenses.


A conviction for Carrying a Handgun Without a License is a Class A misdemeanor. However, the offense is a Level 5 felony: (1) if the offense is committed: (A) on or in school property; (B) within five hundred (500) feet of school property; or (C) on a school bus; or (2) if the person: (A) has a prior conviction…or using a false license to obtain a handgun; or (B) has been convicted of a felony within fifteen (15) years before the date of the offense.


Indianapolis Gun Crimes and Criminal Defense Attorneys

If you have been charged with carrying without a license in Indianapolis or the surrounding counties, including Hamilton, Johnson, Hancock, Shelby, or Hendricks counties, contact Chambers Law Office today! As former deputy prosecutors, defense lawyers Julie Chambers and Katie Kawiecki have experience on both sides of the law and will strive to obtain the best possible result for your case. Call 317-450-2971.